A Special Thanks to the Family of Mr. Robert Davisson

Robert Davisson

In August 2022, the Dr. and Mrs. Barney Osborne Memorial Scholarship Fund was notified of the passing of Robert Davisson. Mr. Davisson was born in Ironton in 1943 and graduated from Ironton High School in 1960. That is the extent of knowledge I have about Mr. Davisson. 

In his last will and testament, Mr. Davisson left a significant sum of money to the Dr. and Mrs. Barney Osborne Memorial Scholarship Fund. This wonderful gift took me totally by surprise. I never knew Mr. Davisson, nor was I ever contacted by Mr. Davisson throughout the 25-year history of the scholarship. Since I was not contacted by Mr. Davisson or his family about the gift, I can only surmise that Mr. Davisson left this impactful gift because of the medical care that he and his family received from my dad.

This scholarship has been around for a long time.  It started back in 1998 with a scholarship award of $500. It has grown through the class of 2022 to an award of $1,500. However, with the significant bequest from the Estate of Mr. Davisson, the scholarship award will be increased to $3,500 beginning with the class of 2024.  

It is important to let all who are part of this scholarship, whether it be donors, student applicants or just those who view this website, that the impact of Mr. Davisson’s bequest will be felt for a long time. It is with much gratitude that we thank Mr. Davisson and his family.

– A message from Dave Osborne